Long Lifecycle Management of Industrial Computers

Product lifecycle—the length of time that a manufacturer has committed to building and supporting a product—is a core design consideration for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and independent software vendors (ISVs). This guide is designed to support you in managing industrial computer lifecycles for operational continuity and cost efficiency. 

Long Lifecycles (1)


In this article, you will: 

  • Discover how long lifecycle management reduces redesign efforts, simplifies field service, and prevents costly recertifications
  • Gain insights into essential lifecycle management stages, including design, production, operations, support, migration planning, and last time buy strategies
  • Learn strategies for selecting and evaluating vendors, ensuring they meet long-term lifecycle requirements 


About the Author

NewEraElec_23-10-23_064Kevin Luckman, Chief Operating Officer

Kevin Luckman has been working in the embedded computer sector for over 10 years with a focus on Operations, Marketing and Project Management. In that time, working with customers and projects spanning over 30 industries, he has gained a high level of insight into providing solutions that fulfill the technical, logistical and lifecycle requirements for any application..



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